Monday 31 August 2015

Aimee Silverbell

Name:  Aimee Silverbell, sometimes called Silver

Race: Half elf

Gender: Unknown

Description: I have long light purple hair that goes to my knees, having never thought of cutting it and will never cut it I keep it braided most the time, other times I have it pulled up in a ponytail or pinned up on occasions I let it hang loose and free. I am tiny and thin in body size standing about 5’4. My eyes are bright silver, with delicate markings running up my long slender legs stopping at my waist. With my fair skin tone the marking stand out more and looks exotic.

My name is Aimee Silverbell, some people if they get to know me call me Silver for short. I am the bastard child of my human father and his elven mistress, well one of his mistresses. My family is a noble so it makes sense that I am his bastard child, which makes it worse because I am his first child but was never officially declared a child of his.

Growing up even never declared a child of my father I was taught by the tutors that came to the house twice even seven days , making me learn many things none that I really liked other than history, math and languages which I taught was useless because it had no real merit in my life.  When I was not studying, I was outside in the backfields learning to sing from the birds. Sometimes I would dance with them but being as clumsy as I was I would fall over my own two feet laughing it off as I continues to sing with the birds. This help shape who I am a child who has a passion for history, languages and math and like singing making me  good singer but not like those many entertains that would come to the house and sing at my father’s parties.

Growing up I found it odd that people always called me by my name and never called me boy or girl. Because of this, I never really think much of gender and would sometimes be dressed like a young lady other time like a young man. Since I am tiny and thin, they both looked good on me.

Years past and my father had more children some full human and a few more bastard children like me. I help take care of my other brothers and sisters it never really according me that they never called me brother or sister they always called me Aimee or Silver. I decided that after they were old enough to take care of them and their youngers that it would be all right for me to leave and decided to see what the world has to offer someone like me. Having made up my mind, I took with me some gold, silver and copper coins, some clothes; a little food knowing how far the next town was and a horse deciding that it would be the fastest way to get around. I traveled the land of my home getting my hands on many books on languages but since I never had a home of my own, I would have then sent back to my father. After a while, I decided I leave the land and travel across the water to the country of Callyria having wanted to see a distance land. Getting off the ship I was at in shock to learn of the conflict that was going on was going to leave deciding against it.

I got my horse loving the old girl for being there with me during this time and was on my was across the land of Callyira. On nights that I am caught between towns or villages I would let the Golden go off into the night to rest and find a place to relax while I took to a tree to sleep in since it was safe that way since it would be hard for me to protect Golden and me if we were together. One night sadly I was not lucky and spotted by a ground of three bandits before I could find myself a tree to sleep in for the night. Only having a knife on my and never really has learnt to fight I did my best to fight them off able to wound one. Running as fast I can only having gain a few wounds myself only on my stomach and back, finding Golden I hop on her back and rode her into the night glad that I kept my bag with her that night.

More years pass and I finally decided that I should find a place to settle down. Having found a small cave in the forest on outskirts of Lyrivur, I decided to make it my home until I can find something better


This is one of my characters that have one never made it onto a forum. I created him/her a long time ago for another site what got close down. So they never got to see the light of they life.

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