Tuesday 1 September 2015


Name: Zane "Yuki"

Race: Human

Appearance: Zane has a small built which explains why she can pass himself off as a female. Standing a height of 5'6 with eyes the colour of melted chocolate. Now her hair is natural platinum blonde but she does have dark roots that make people think that she might have dyed his hair. Now because Zane does believe himself to be female, he dress like a girl wearing dresses mostly sometimes he would put on jeans. Trying to dress as a male he still end up looking very female because of his slim body. 

History: Zane birth was a day of celebration for his mother, not merely because of his birth but also that of twin sister.She named him Zane, and his sister Yuki. Merely a three years after their birth, their father died, while serving overseas. Lorraine, their mother was devastated over his death, leaving her children alone for months to fend for themselves when they needed her the most.

The children were able to survive this hard time in their lives, thanks to their family who took them in during those months. Their ‘Aunt’ B made sure to keep them well fed, while having them enrolled in her daycare, to keep an eye on them while Lorraine recovered from her grief. 

When Lorraine finally was back to her normal self as much as she possibly could, she set about taking care of the kids again. Part of being capable of caring for them was the money that arrived from the government to assist feeding her household, she likewise picked up a job working at the local clothing shop. Things in the Crook household were back to as normal as it could be.

Zane and Yuki grew up being inseparable. They went to all the festivals together, having fun and simply enjoying being with one another and also happy they have them both back. Sadly, this all ended too soon for both of them. Yuki fell ill on their 8th birthday, not being able to pay to get her the medical treatments needed, Yuki soon died one year after.

This was the cause of sending Lorraine off her rocker, having missed her daughter. She took out her anger, hurt and depression on Zane. Life was never the same for him, the first month came the beatings, all the time his mother saying it should have been him and not her. The beatings slowly, stop. Every time she looked at Zane all she saw was Yuki.

She took up calling him Yuki, at first he kept trying to tell her that Yuki has passed away and his name is Zane. Each time it fell onto deaf ears. Next she took all his clothes, burning them and started dressing him like Yuki, letting his hair grow out, and treating him as her little girl.
Zane not truly understanding truly his mother was doing this, he continues to deal with the treatment, hoping that she would see him as Zane and not Yuki.

One year after Yuki’s death Zane was fully transformed into that of his sister. His mother enrolled him in dance class and flower arranging. Residents of St. Kitts and Nevis started calling him Yuki as well, some came to hate him. 

The years go on each year harder as he fights to try to remind himself that he was not Yuki, she died a long time ago. It was on his 18th birthday that he all sense of self. He was not no longer Zane, but Yuki. He truly believed that Zane died and he has been trying to pretend it did not happen by keeping him alive by saying that he was Zane. 

It was during this same year that the death threats started coming. Not sure where to go he left home, fearing for his life. His mother seeing him off at the airport, promising not to tell anyone where he fled to. He headed off to Canada since they had some distance family living there. After a few months, his family kicked him out because they could not handle the fact that he sees himself fully as a girl. 

Not knowing where to go, he started looking for jobs on Kijiji. Finding an ad for a waitress at the Sea Bean Cafe, Zane moved to Crow Station, BC at the age of 19. He was able to get an apartment with affordable rent near his workplace. During the day, his worked as a waitress while, at night, he visited the bars. Most the time he is found at Tony’s Bar, drinking away the pain and sorrow that came with the fact that his brother was dead. The fact that he would never be a true woman, having a family of his own. Mostly he drinks to help cushion the rejection from the men who turn him down each day, always wondering what about him made men turn him down.

His Play by is Bou from An Cafe


Zane is the first trap or transgender character that I have ever made. He is one of the favourites to play and I do try to make him follow me to all sites that I go on. Each time he follows to a new site the base idea of his twin dying and his mother going crazy reminds, but the rest of the history and personality changes. So if you see Zane again don't think that he is the same as this one because no matter how much a person tries when making two characters alike they alway end up being very different. 

This version of Zane is on Crow Station and also happens to be the first version I made of him. The link to CS is in the Roleplay Site section.

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